

Since version 0.4.2, django-gm2m supports serialization and deserialisation to and from fixture files (JSON, XML, YAML ...) using the dumpdata and loaddata management commands.

dumpdata and natural keys

As you probably already know, django-gm2m relies on django.contrib.contenttypes and needs to link ContentType objects. If you use the dumpdata command without excluding the contenttypes app and with standard primary/foreign keys, the data will contain dumped ContentType objects which will be referenced by their standard primary key (an integer).

When you’ll attempt to load that data using loaddata, Django will at the same attempt to recreate the needed ContentType objects, which primary keys may not be consistent with your data, therefore raising a fixture loading error.

To avoid that, it is advised to use the dumpdata command with the following options in a project that makes use of django-gm2m:

  • --natural-primary --natural-foreign to use natural keys instead of actual primary keys in the dumped data (the natural key for a contenttype is, for example, 'app_name.modelname')
  • -e contenttypes to exclude the ContentType objects from the dumped data. These objects are automatically recreated by django anyway

See this StackOverflow question and answers for more details.

Custom serializers

When a project using django-gm2m is initialized, the default django serializers (namely json, xml, yaml) are overridden by specific serializers that have been tuned to work with GM2MField.

This means that in case you have custom serializers in your project or app, you will need to derive them from gm2m.serializers.*.Serializer instead of django.core.serializers.*.Serializer (same for Deserializer). If you don’t do that, (de)serialization of GM2MFields will not work.